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Italian playwright, librettist and journalist Giuseppe Adami is best known for his collaborations with Puccini, on La rondine, Il tabarro and Turandot. He was born in Verona and studied law in Padua. He went on to work as a theatre critic for the Arena di Verona and later became a playwright, making his professional debut with the one-act comedy Il fioi di Goldoni. He met the publisher Giulio Ricordi in 1911, who suggested his partnership with Puccini. This started with La rondine in 1917 and ended with Turandot (co-written with Renato Simoni) in 1924. His other librettos included Zandonai’s and Vittadini’s works. His later career included working as music critic for La sera in Milan and for Comoedia, and as a publicist for Ricordi. Adami’s books include a 1928 edition of Puccini’s letters, a 1935 biography of Puccini and his memoirs of Ricordi, Giulio Ricordi e i suoi musicisti.