Children's Chorus
The Hungarian State Opera's Children's Chorus, founded by Valéria Botka and László Csányi, has been operating in its current form since 1970. The 130-member ensemble has been led by Nikolett Hajzer since August 2016. A regular fixture in opera performances both at the Opera House and the Erkel Theatre, the Children's Chorus is also featured on audio recordings and at benefit concerts and other events. In addition to gaining the physical and mental benefits of singing, the children also develop a familiarity with the special world of the theatre, not infrequently getting the chance to sing alongside international stars. These positive experiences lead many of them to go on to choose careers in music.
Head of the children's chorus
Nikolett Hajzer director of the Children's Chorus, conductor
Artistic organizer
Éva Mencser artistic coordinator
Piano accompanist
Beáta Breinich chorusmaster, opera répétiteur, supervising instructor
Bettina Foskolos pianist, opera répétiteur
Supervising instructor
Diána Foskolos member of the Children's Chorus, supervising instructor
Klára Ujvári supervising instructor