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The fifth episode of the OperaWednesday series showcased the most beautiful songs from the singspiel The Spinning Room by Zoltán Kodály at the Sándor Hevesi Stage of the Eiffel Art Studios. The live stream could be viewed on 21 October 2020 from 8:00 p.m. on Facebook and

“A people can best be known through their folk songs,” claimed Zoltán Kodály, one of the crucial proponents of Hungarian music, whose main ambition as a composer, collector of folk songs and music teacher was to inculcate a love for Hungarian folk song and to cultivate a knowledgeable audience. The Spinning Room is the epitome of Kodály's efforts. When the Opera commissioned a full-length version of the work from the composer in 1931, it wasn't an opera that Kodály intended to write – instead his aim was to re-discover the Hungarian folk song and relay its simple dramatic power.

The highlights featuring costumes by Nelly Vágó were directed by Katalin Kovács. The lady of the house was sung by Atala Schöck, her suitor was played by Antal Cseh. Further roles were performed by Donát Varga, Kornélia Bakos, Anikó Bakonyi, Máté Fülep and Andrea Meláth. The programme was narrated by Dániel Mona, featured on the piano was Anikó Katona.

Photo by Valter Berecz