In the series that began at the end of September, the ensembles of the Opera participate in a special show during lockdown: every Friday, at 8 p.m., the programme entitled Terzet-Trio-Trois gives the chance to the Opera Chrous (chorus master: Gábor Csiki) to sing choral pieces, the Opera Orchestra (general music director: Balázs Kocsár) to play chamber concerts, and the Hungarian National Ballet (artistic director: Tamás Solymosi) to perform solo choreographies or pas de deux.
The programme of the 2 October 2020 episode revolved entirely around the music of the 19th century. Zsuzsanna Bazsinka, Diána Döbörhegyi and Péter Illés, members of the Opera Chorus as well as chorus master Gábor Csiki continued their exploration of the Liebeslieder-Walzer cycle by Brahms accompanied by Krisztina Andrássy-Neuentein and Katalin Szirtes on the piano.
Musicians of the Opera Orchestra – János Rácz (flute), Krisztina Szélpál (oboe), Beáta Várnai (clarinet), Judit Polonkai (bassoon), Bence Horváth (trumpet), Csaba Nagy (trumpet), Gábor Tóth (French horn), Gábor Szabó (French horn), Sándor Szabó (trombone), Miklós Wrchowsky (tuba) and Zoltán Vámosi (percussion) – performed popular excerpts from the operas Carmen, Die Königin von Saba and Un ballo in maschera as well as melodies from the balett music of The Nutcracker.
Tatiana Melnik, Mikalai Radziush, Cristina Balaban and Dmitry Diachkov, soloists of the Hungarian National Ballet danced pas de deux from Anna-Marie Holmes and Tamás Solymosi's Le corsaire and László Seregi's Sylvia. They were joined by Katica Ruip, a talented student of the Hungarian National Ballet Institute with Dace Radina's variation to Méditation from Thaïs by Massenet. The excerpts featured Başak Dilara Özdemir Lakatos, Éva Hajnal, Ferenc Kiss (piano) and Zoltán Bácsy-Schwartz (violin).
The show directed by András Aczél was hosted by Melitta Gyüdi.
The performance can be seen HERE.
Photo by Attila Nagy