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Tamás Altorjay earned degrees in chamber and solo voice from the University of Szeged's Faculty of Arts in 1998 and 2000, respectively. His singing teachers were Valéria Berdál, Ilona Adorján, Edit D. Szécsi and György Sinkó. A member of the National Theatre of Szeged's opera company since 1989, he also sings songs and oratorio in addition to his operatic roles. He started teaching at the Zoltán Kodály High School in Kecskemét in 2002, and joined the faculty of the Faculty of Music in Szeged in 2008. He has performed with different Hungarian ensembles both inside Hungary and in various countries around Europe (Italy, France, Slovenia, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria and Slovakia), as well as in Egypt. He has been selected “singer of the season” several times (in 1996, 2003, 2006 and 2015) and has also won the Dömötör Award (2006), the Artisjus Award (2008), the Offenbach Commemorative Medal (2014) and the József Gregor Commemorative Plaque (2016). A few of his more important operatic roles include Sarastro (Die Zauberflöte), Leporello (Don Giovanni), Bartolo (Le nozze di Figaro), Don Alfonso (Così fan tutte), Fernando (Fidelio), Dulcamara (L'elisir d'amore), Don Pasquale, Raimondo (Lucia di Lammermoor), Alidor (Liszt's Don Sanche), Don Magnifico and Alidoro (La Cenerentola), Flambeau (Le comte Ory), Bartolo (Il barbiere di Siviglia), Selim (Il turco in Italia), Daland (Der fliegende Holländer), Andrew II (Bánk bán), Ramfis (Aida), the Grand Inquisitor (Don Carlos), Grenvil (La traviata), Sparafucile (Rigoletto), Banquo (Macbeth), Gremin (Onegin), Timur (Turandot), Simone (Gianni Schicchi), the Sacristan (Tosca) and Bluebeard (Bluebeard's Castle).
Tamás Altorjay