Mezőkövesd-born Nelli Pallós enrolled at Rome's Accademia di Belle Arti in 2002 to study sculpture for a year before doing undergraduate and master's work in silicate design at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest. She then went on to earn a master's degree in set design from the Hungarian University of Applied Arts. As a designer, she has taken part in several film projects, including Bence Gyöngyössy's short film Janus, Gábor Matúz's documentary film Nincs kegyelem (“No Mercy”) and Zoltán Kamondi's feature film Halj már meg (“Drop dead please!”). She has also worked as an assistant designer on feature films like Kornél Mundruczó's Fehér Isten (“White God”) and Swing, directed by Csaba Fazekas. She has worked as a theatrical set designer with Tamás Puskás, Csaba Horváth and Kriszta Székely, among other directors. At the Hungarian State Opera, she served first as assistant set designer for János Szikora's production of Die Frau ohne Schatten and then, working with director Kriszta Székely, as the set designer for the production HungarianLateNight.