Kriszta Remete earned her degree from the Hungarian University of Arts and Crafts in 1998 and then went on to study in the textile department of London's Royal College of Art in 2000. In 2008, she obtained her DLA at Moholy-Nagy University of the Arts, where she has also worked since 2001, since 2010 as an University associate professor. Her educational field is knitted fabric and garment design, design with alternative materials and special design. Her work has been recognised with numerous awards: in 1988 she was the young fashion designer of the year, and in 1999 she received the special prize from the Willy Guhl portion of the Schweizer Designpreise, while winning the Hungarian Design Award in 2001 also brought her praise from the relevant minister. She won the award for best costumes at the Pécs National Theatre Festival in both 2011 and 2012, and then in each 2012 and 2013 would receive the Theatre Critics' Award for her costume designs. She has received the Lajos Kozma Scholarship several times, and has also received the FISE, NKA and Eötvös scholarships. By the end of the '90s, she was holding numerous fashion shows and exhibitions of her work, with her creations appearing in, aside from Budapest, Lithuania, Switzerland, Finland, Latvia, Paris, New York and Brighton. Her first theatrical costume design was developed for a 1998 production of Gábor Goda's Cain's Hat. In recent years, she has collaborated as a costume designer in productions by Gábor Rusznyák, András Bálint and László Bagossy, to name a few of the directors she has worked with. Since 2004, she has worked together regularly with János Mohácsi, including at the National Theatre, the Örkény Theatre, the Radnóti Theatre, the Katona József Theatre as well as the theatres of Kaposvár, Szombathely and Pécs (Yellow Lily, 2004; Elizabeth I, 2006; Le Malade imaginaire, Dark Comedy, 2008; Der Stellvertreter, A Lost Letter, Peasant Opera, 2006; Peasant Opera, The Play at the Castle, The Village Rogue, 2010; We Only Live Once..., A Midsummer Night's Dream, 2011; Liliomfi, 2012; Le Malade imaginaire, The Merchant of Venice, Trilogia della villeggiatura, 2013; Peasant Opera, Starry Sky, A Stormy Night, This Earth Receives Me..., 2014; Bubbles, A Fog Following Me, The Crucible, The Village Rogue, The Glass Slipper, 2016). At the Erkel Theatre, she designed the costumes for János Mohácsi's production of Aida.